
英國的Activity village站, 已在2009年的春節篇介紹過, 有非常多中國新年的各樣資料以及可以印出的PDF檔案。其實它不僅有春節Printables, 小手工, 遊戲等的活動及教材, 還有其他節日的教材, 真是老師們的好幫手。

十二生肖篇, 有jigsaws, maze, 著色圖等, 都蠻好玩的呢!

大多數的網站還停留在去年的資料, 2018-01-24它已加入了狗年的Puzzle

有些網站隔一陣子會消失, 希望這網站不會消失。

YouTube上, 十二生肖賽跑故事; 及年的故事

Childbook網站提供有關新年的著色圖, 還蠻多花樣的喔!

2011年, 葉老師英文版的中國新年簡介:

Today is Chinese New Year. The New Year is the biggest holiday in Chinese society.
Chinese New year is based on the lunar calendar instead of the solar calendar, so it’s on a different date every year. Chinese New Year is the first day of the first new moon in the year. When New Year is approaching, Chinese people try to clean everything from top to bottom because they want to sweep away all the bad luck and welcome a great New Year. People reunite with family during the festival. Chinese New Year is not religious, but it’s festive. It represents rebirth and new growth. When the Chinese celebrate New Year, it also means spring is not far away, which is not the case here in New England sadly. However, I wish everyone have a wonderful and prosperous year. 祝大家 新年快乐 万事如意。

2015羊年 兒童手工藝 (kids arts and crafts for year of goat)

2017 金雞報喜:說說古文字的『

延伸閱讀: 生肖專輯

有關系列: 節慶, 老鼠娶親, Zodiac 生肖

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